
How can we help you? In many ways:
  • Property Listings: We often hear of properties for sale, sometimes which don't appear anywhere else on the internet. We'll try to photograph and post these properties on this site. If you see a property you like, let us know and we'll put you in contact with the owner or agent handling the property or we can help you through the buying process ourselves.
  • Buying Advice: We can help you decide if a property is for you and what would be a fair price to pay for it and what taxes you will be liable for.
  • Buying Aid: We can guide you through the Romanian real estate purchasing process, organize contracts and registering utilities, once you have chosen your Transylvanian home.
  • Renovations: Knowing the right tradesmen is ultimately the most important thing when renovating a propery, as well as advice on local styles, building regulations, and traditional contruction methods. We can even project manage renovations for you if you cannot be in the area to take care of them yourself.
  • Property Care: We can keep an eye on your property and carry out basic maintainence (scything, harvesting, paying bills, feeding animals, etc.)
  • Rental Management: Letting guests in and signing them out and cleaning up after them, if you are not in the country or available.

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